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Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's
Saturday, March 14, 2020
8-10 am
Redeemer Lutheran Church will be holding their annual Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's on Saturday, March 14th from 8 - 10 am. All proceeds to benefit Hope House. Any tips collected will go to Hope House and will be matched anonymously up to $500!
Tickets are $5 each and include pancakes, sausage links, and a beverage (refills on coffee and soda only). Purchase your tickets by March 12th at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1712 Menasha Avenue, or at Hope House, 1000 S. 35th St., Manitowoc. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Enjoy a great breakfast while helping Hope House of Manitowoc County!

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