A Homeless Experience Event benefiting:
Cardboard City 2023 a success!
Cardboard City 2023 was held on October 14-15 in the parking lot of First Presbyterian Church, Manitowoc. This fundraiser is a collaboration of Habitat for Humanity Manitowoc County, Hope House, and The Haven of Manitowoc County. It's purpose is to bring awareness to the homelessness issue in our community.
This year we had approximately 40 people attend and sleep in boxes, a tent, or their cars. By recruiting sponsors and the participants receiving pledges we were able to raise over $12,000 to be divided among the three agencies. Our many thanks to our sponsors!
Event Details
Unfortunately, many communities including ours have seen an unprecedented increase in homelessness due to after effects of the pandemic, a lack of affordable and accessible housing, and closing of businesses affecting people’s jobs and childcare. This also results on our average length of stay increasing for our families. Homelessness is an issue that is caused by poverty, broken family relationships and multiple circumstances. Everyone's story is unique.
Sleep in a cardboard box, pitch a tent, or sleep in your car to bring awareness to homelessness, or you may join us for the presentation and choose not to stay overnight.
The minimum pledge is only $20 and every single dollar helps us serve those in need. Hope House, The Haven, and Habitat for Humanity provide shelter and resources to assist those experiencinghomelessness in our community. The partnership between these three non-profit organizations means that those most in need in our community are able to get the help they need.
How to Participate
Your company, business, family, group, or organization can be a part of this event. ​
Here’s what you do:
Download and fill out the participation form below.
Collect donations and pledges to support your efforts from your family, friends and neighbors. Minimum pledge is $20.
Optional: Sleep outside overnight in a cardboard box home, a tent, or in your car at First Presbyterian Church on October 14, or join us for the program only from 5-10pm.
Mail or drop off completed forms and donations to The Haven at 1003 Marshall Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220. *Please ensure it is labeled for Cardboard City. All proceeds will be divided evenly amongst the three organizations
Thank You to Our 2023 Sponsors
Kaysun Corporation
Holschbach Excavating
Tanya Finch State Farm
Jill Pope Remax
The Cawley Company
Lakeshore Business Interiors
Shipbuilder's Credit Union
Forever Your Insurance
Manitowoc Ice
Valder's Lion's Club
Lakeshore United Methodist
Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Holy Family Memorial / Froedtert & Medical College of WI
Newton Meats
Hamman Construction Inc.
Custom Health Pharmacy
St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Legend Larry's
Carron Net Company, Inc.
City of Manitowoc
Visit Manitowoc
Seehafer News
Community Quotes
“For me Habitat for Humanity is stability where there used to be helplessness. Habitat builds community through its local volunteers working side by side with my family. I’ve grown as a person with Habitat, receiving independence and self-advocacy skills, as these are expectations for the homeowners. They are taught by people in our own community that remain role models and friends. Habitat built strength in our family by having the whole family involved in the building process. Habitat makes me feel valued. The respect that I am treated with from my Habitat family is the same respect I have brought up both my kids with! Habitat for Humanity took away the helplessness and replaced it with strength, pride, and an appreciation for my community and a desire to be a part of it!
- Janet, Habitat Homeowner
“Since leaving the Haven I’ve started a small drywall business, gained full custody of my teenage daughter, and am proud to be a homeowner along with my seriously loving and supportive fiancé. The accountability and hard work ethic that The Haven instilled in my life have changed my life, but more importantly, change my attitude and outlook upon the world around me.”
- Nate, former guest of The Haven
“I’m not sure what our family would have done if Hope House hadn’t been here to help us. We are extremely grateful and thankful to have received so much help and to have been presented the opportunity to work this amazing program – which not only helped us to achieve and maintain structure and stability within our lives but also presents new opportunities and tools to change and better our futures.”
– Erica and family, former guests of Hope House